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#HeartBeats - Senior Mental Health Edition

O'Joy is collaborating with VolunteerSG to deliver two webinars about Mental Health for Seniors.

Details of Webinars: Session 1: Depression and anxiety in Seniors Ever wondered why some seniors are always unhappy? Have you ever wondered how the mental health of seniors affects their physical health? Wonder no more! This workshop will teach you about the mental health issues faced by seniors, and how we can help them! Session 2: Hoarding - A Pile of Problems Ever been to a senior's home and saw that it was full of old newspapers, cardboard, and plastic bags? Hoarding may be just the tip of the iceberg of hidden issues! Attend this workshop by O’Joy to learn more about how hoarding arises in seniors, the dangers of hoarding, and how we can help hoarding seniors! Session Outline: 10 mins: Introduction to O'Joy services and speaker profiles 1 hour: Sharing on anxiety and depression 10 mins: Interactive Kahoot Quiz 10 mins: Q&A and Closing Statements Sign-up Link: #HeartBeats Channel:

Looking forward to see you online!

Correction: this collaboration is with VolunteerSG, not with Youth Corps as stated before. VolunteerSG is a ground-up initiative, it's "by students, for students". The students are mainly from universities and IHLs.


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Blk 5, Upper Boon Keng Rd, #02-10, Singapore 380005

Phone: +65 6749 0190

Fax: +65 6742 1909


Email: hello[at]

Company Registration No.: 201805560D
Charity Registration No.: 201805560D
Full Member, National Council of Social Service

IPC Registered Charity: 201805560D

We are an Institute of Public Character. 

Monetary donations can be eligible for 250% tax exemption.

O'Joy Limited is a leading non-profit social service organisation in Singapore, dedicated to enhancing the well-being of seniors and adults with mental health conditions. At O'Joy, we offer a range of programs, including counselling services, case management for seniors, and mental health support for younger adults. Our Health-Oriented Ageing (HOA) program promotes active ageing through exercise, arts, and social interaction, helping seniors stay physically, cognitively, and socially engaged. O'Joy relies on donations and partnerships to sustain our impactful work, providing essential support to vulnerable communities. Join us in making a difference through your contribution or collaboration, and help us foster a healthier, more connected community for all.

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